


10-colour flow cytometer for the immunophenotyping of peripheral blood, bone marrow and fluid samples.

Rapid data acquisition with rare event detection capability

  • Multi-laser optical layout with a patented fluidics design
  • Uses innovative technology to provide a stable sample flow, ensuring rapid data acquisition with high detection sensitivity
  • Automated background check during priming ensures that the instrument is free from contamination before running samples

Simplifying processes for workflow efficiency and data integrity

  • Direct transfer of the bar-coded, multi-tube rotors from the PS-10 and Rotolavit II-S sample preparation devices to the XF-1600 autoloader allows seamless integration between systems
  • Offline advanced data analysis with optional VenturiOne Software to streamline analytics and reporting
  • Easy-to-use, intuitive graphical interface

Flexible sample handling options

  • Single tube in manual mode or 12- or 24-tube rotors in automated mode provide walk-away acquisition.
  • STAT function allows the user to interrupt the ongoing acquisition of samples
Principles and technology 3 spatially separated lasers: 405nm, 488nm and 638nm

Operating system (OS): Windows® 10 Professional (64 bit)

FCS Format 3.1

Fluorescence detectors 10 fluorescence channels + 2 light scatter channels
Parameters 37 measurable parameters simultaneously record pulse-area, -height, -width and -time data from12 detection channels
Compensation ·       Manual and automated compensation using single stain data during acquisition

·       Post-acquisition compensation matrix creation

·       Online and offline compensation available

Aspiration volume
Minimum sample volume
Quality control Automated single-tube QC using CyFlow DailyQC
Carry-over <0.1%
Sample flow rate ·       Low: 5µl/min

·       Medium: 30µl/min or 60µl/min

·       High: 90µl/min or 120µl/min

Maximum event rate 50,000 events per second
Sample tubes ·       12- or 24- tube auto-loading carousels. Single tube manual mode

·       Uncapped 12mm x 75mm tubes

·       Microfuge tubes (manual port)

System maintenance Automated start-up, cleaning and shut down
Features & Benefits

Rapid data acquisition with rare event detection capability

  • Multi-laser optical layout with a patented fluidics design
  • Uses innovative technology to provide a stable sample flow, ensuring rapid data acquisition with high detection sensitivity
  • Automated background check during priming ensures that the instrument is free from contamination before running samples

Simplifying processes for workflow efficiency and data integrity

  • Direct transfer of the bar-coded, multi-tube rotors from the PS-10 and Rotolavit II-S sample preparation devices to the XF-1600 autoloader allows seamless integration between systems
  • Offline advanced data analysis with optional VenturiOne Software to streamline analytics and reporting
  • Easy-to-use, intuitive graphical interface

Flexible sample handling options

  • Single tube in manual mode or 12- or 24-tube rotors in automated mode provide walk-away acquisition.
  • STAT function allows the user to interrupt the ongoing acquisition of samples
Principles and technology 3 spatially separated lasers: 405nm, 488nm and 638nm

Operating system (OS): Windows® 10 Professional (64 bit)

FCS Format 3.1

Fluorescence detectors 10 fluorescence channels + 2 light scatter channels
Parameters 37 measurable parameters simultaneously record pulse-area, -height, -width and -time data from12 detection channels
Compensation ·       Manual and automated compensation using single stain data during acquisition

·       Post-acquisition compensation matrix creation

·       Online and offline compensation available

Aspiration volume
Minimum sample volume
Quality control Automated single-tube QC using CyFlow DailyQC
Carry-over <0.1%
Sample flow rate ·       Low: 5µl/min

·       Medium: 30µl/min or 60µl/min

·       High: 90µl/min or 120µl/min

Maximum event rate 50,000 events per second
Sample tubes ·       12- or 24- tube auto-loading carousels. Single tube manual mode

·       Uncapped 12mm x 75mm tubes

·       Microfuge tubes (manual port)

System maintenance Automated start-up, cleaning and shut down